No. X (1979)

Апсолутна старост скелетних остатака кромањонаца са падине у Ђердапу

Srboljub Živanović
The Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital London, Department of Anatomy

Published 01.12.1979


  • Padina site,
  • Đerdap (Djerdap),
  • Cromagnon,
  • archaeology,
  • Danube

How to Cite

Živanović, S. (1979). Апсолутна старост скелетних остатака кромањонаца са падине у Ђердапу. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (X), 25–30. Retrieved from


Radiocarbon Dating of Cromagnon from Padina in the Đerdap Region of the Danube

Archaeological excavatons, organised by the Institute of Archaelogy in Belgrade at the Padina site in the Upper Gorge of the Iron Gate (Djerdap) area on the right bank of the river Danube, revealed prehistoric settlements arranged in arc-like hollows beside the river bank, intersected by rocky ridges and surrounded by wooded cliffs. Alterations in the course of the Danube and seasonal floodings had destroyed certain parts of the sites, filling the gullies and ravines with massive deposits of aluvial silt and stone. The archaeological finds indicated that the Padina site had been occupied by a mesolithic or even earlier population. In order to obtain a more accurate estimate of the age of the settlement some human and animal remains were submitted for radiocarbon analysis.


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