No. XLIV (2013)

The Return of Epic Formulas in Various Italian Translations of Kosovka djevojka (The Kosovo Maiden)

Marija Bradaš
University of Padua

Published 01.12.2013


  • Kosovka djevojka,
  • translation,
  • formulaic diction,
  • Tommaseo,
  • Nikolić,
  • Cronia
  • ...More

How to Cite

Bradaš, M. (2013). The Return of Epic Formulas in Various Italian Translations of Kosovka djevojka (The Kosovo Maiden). Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XLIV), 139–158.


his paper makes a comparative analysis of the various Italian translations of the famous Serbian popular poem Kosovka djevojka [The Kosovo Maiden] and illustrates the different interpretations and consequent translations of epic formulas in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italy. The Parry-Lord oral formulaic theory, together with other important contributions in the field of oral studies, is a starting point for this analysis, which also takes into consideration the socio-cultural context in which these translations were produced. Translation solutions are therefore brought into relation with the poetics of individual translators and especially with the socio-cultural context of their time. Particular attention is devoted to the centuries-old Italian rhetorical tradition, which influenced even the greatest experts in popular poetry in their interpretation of the figures and clichés typical of oral production.


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