No. XXIX (1998)

Турске репресалије у Понишављу у време Грчког устанка 1821. године

Borislava Lilić
Independent researcher, Pirot

Published 01.12.1998


  • Greek insurrection of 1821,
  • Balkans,
  • Ottoman Empire,
  • Serbia,
  • Ponišljave

How to Cite

Lilić, B. (1998). Турске репресалије у Понишављу у време Грчког устанка 1821. године . Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXIX), 83–94. Retrieved from


Turkish Reprisals in the 1821 Greek Insurrection

The Greek insurrection in 1821, which lasted for several years, giving the Porte a lot of trouble, was not without consequence for Serbs in Turkey. The Greek national liberation movement against the Turks began at the end of the XVIII century with a secret organization, known as Heteria, which developed into a revolution by 1821. winning followers among the Balkan peoples subjugated by the Turks. By joining the Greek struggle, they had hoped to achieve liberation for themselves. Heteria had centers were set up in Ponisavlje, Nis and most probably in Pirot, which were expected, with the support of Milos Obrenovic, to instigate rebels to actions for liberation.


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