No. XXIX (1998)

Јерархијско отцепљење Румунске православнe цркве од Српске православне цркве (1864–1868)

Nicolae Boșcan
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj

Published 01.12.1998


  • Habsburg Empire,
  • Eastern Orthodox Churches,
  • Romania,
  • Serbia,
  • Nineteenth century

How to Cite

Boșcan, N. (1998). Јерархијско отцепљење Румунске православнe цркве од Српске православне цркве (1864–1868). Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXIX), 95–116. Retrieved from


 The Hierarchic Separation of the Romanian Orthodox Church from the Serbian Orthodox Church 1864-1868

The study deals with the beginning of the process of hierarchic separation of the Romanian Orthodox Church from the Serbian Metropolitan See of Karlovci inaugurated by the process of establishing the national Orthodox churches. Initiated at the end of the 18th century in the Orthodox churches of the Austrian Empire, the phenomenon rendered topical the relationship between ethnicity and denomination as well as the interdenominational and interethnical relations between the peoples of the Eastern part of the Austrian monarchy. The Romanian-Serbian ecclesiastic relations which functioned in the 18th century within the framework of the Orthodoxy of Austria, under the sign of the 'Illyrian privileges', was deeply affected by the progress of secular thought and modern nationalism, by the impact of liberal ideas which contributed to the dissolution of the old denominational solidarity. At the beginning of the 19th century the phenomenon developed from confrontation to separation, a decisive moment in the evolution of this process being the revolution of 1848 when the Romanians have for the first time proclaimed the separation from the Serbian ecclesiastic hierarchy.


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