No. XXIX (1998)

Формирање и развој вишестране међународноправне регулативе од значаја за одвијање међународног друмског саобраћаја између два светска рата

Draško Petrović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transportation

Published 01.12.1998


  • Multilateralism,
  • International legal rules,
  • Road transportation,
  • Interwar period,
  • Automobile transportation

How to Cite

Petrović, D. (1998). Формирање и развој вишестране међународноправне регулативе од значаја за одвијање међународног друмског саобраћаја између два светска рата . Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXIX), 173–188. Retrieved from


The Formation and Development of International Legal Regulations Relevant to the Maintenance of International Road Transportation Between the Two World Wars

The paper deals with the building and development of multilateral international legal rules of modern road transportation valid between the two world wars. A large number of states, mainly in Europe, but also on other continents, accepted these rules and made use of them as a basis for the further building of their internal legislatures for this branch of transportation. An analysis has been conducted both of the multilateral international conventions regulating the international road transportation and of those creating conditions for the establishment and regular maintenance of international road transportation. The endorsement of these conventions between the two wars shows that automobile transportation was in full swing and that the states began to build the international legislature for this branch of transportation anticipating its expansive growth in the decades to come.


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