No. XXIII (1992)

Some Remarks on the Early Iron Age Cemetery at Vajuga–Pesak

Petar Popović
Archaeological Institute, Belgrade
Mirjana Vukmanović
National Museum, Belgrade

Published 01.12.1992


  • Balkans,
  • necropolis,
  • Iron Gates (Đerdap),
  • Oltenia,
  • Basarabi cultural complex

How to Cite

Popović, P., & Vukmanović, M. (1992). Some Remarks on the Early Iron Age Cemetery at Vajuga–Pesak. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXIII), 359–370. Retrieved from


The paper provides basic information about a necropolis with inhumation burials that belong to the Basarabi cultural complex dated to HaB3-Cl (late 8th - early 7th c. ). At tention is focused on grave goods, especially jewelry, and their typological and chronological relationship with material from neighbouring and culturally close cemeteries (in the Iron Gates region and southwest Oltenia).


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