No. XXII (1991)

„Обновљени свет“ и српска револуција

Nikola Samardžić
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, History Department

Published 01.12.1991


  • Europe,
  • Vienna peace conference 1814/15,
  • revolutions,
  • Serbia,
  • empires

How to Cite

Samardžić, N. (1991). „Обновљени свет“ и српска револуција. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXII), 127–135. Retrieved from


The peace conference in Vienna 1814/15 had to bring a final decision concerning the future aspect of European frontiers, to bring and preserve the peace, and to calm down the Continent deeply affected by wars, revolts and revolutions. Restoration and renewal of the European state system demanded a principle of balance in both sides self-denial. Reconstructed Europe, aristocratic, legitimacistic and clerical, opened a centennial and peaceful break of security and improvement. Meanwhile, the European monarchies, so-called prisons of nations like Metternich's Austria, brought in themselves germs of their own destruction. The ruling governments and dominating nations use to search their unpopular centralization efforts and a loathsome jingoism even in an ancient and hateful feudal law.


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