No. XXI (1990)

Обнова српског манастира Светог Саве Освећеног код Јерусалима 1613. године

Aleksandar Fotić
Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Published 01.12.1990


  • Serbian monks in Palestine,
  • Monastery of St Sabbas (Saba) the Sanctified,
  • Judean desert,
  • Jerusalem,
  • Israel

How to Cite

Fotić, A. (1990). Обнова српског манастира Светог Саве Освећеног код Јерусалима 1613. године. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXI), 225–328. Retrieved from


Very little is known about Serbian monks in Palestine. The author presented two ottoman firmans, with facsimiles and transliterations, and made comments on them. Both concern the restoration of the very much ruined Laura of Saint Saba the Sanctified, also known as Mar Saba, which is situated in the Judean desert near Jerusalem. In the period between 1504 and c. 1623-25, the monastery was under administration of Serbian monks. Documents concerning Serbs in the Holy Land are very rare, and these two firmans gave us the picture of their situation from a new and, till now, unknown angle. They are rare testimonies of the very bad condition of the monastery, and also the testimonies of the stubborn and long lasting struggle in which Serbian monks tried to restore the Laura and to endure in the desert.


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