No. XX (1989)

О неким специфичним цртама модернизма на словенском југу крајем XIX и почетком XX века

Lilia Kirova
Institute for Balkan Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Published 01.12.1989


  • Balkans,
  • modernism,
  • literary movements,
  • South Slavs,
  • South Slavic literature

How to Cite

Kirova, L. (1989). О неким специфичним цртама модернизма на словенском југу крајем XIX и почетком XX века. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XX), 369–379. Retrieved from


Modernism as an intellectual and literary movement reached South Slavs with delay, at the turn of the 20th century. The name "Modern" (Die Moderne) which relates to estetic phenomena in Middle Europe at the crossroads of two centuries, mirrored similar art achieve ments in the Slavic South as well. Despite that fact, those achievements had their specific characteristics which were the object of author's search and thougth. Common characteristics and specific marks of modernism in the Slavic South at the turn of the century were contributions to the revealing of specific literary development and its relations to the European model of art evolution. In order to find out the specific type and specific projections of modernism in South Slavic literatures, it was necessary to make a comparative analysis of the estetic model itself and of the poetics of its authors. More detailed research of the estetics of modernism in South Slavic South of that period, as well as of the whole line of similar characteristics, should contribute in clarifying certain specific of foreign influences and inspirations, certain possibilities of specific national modifications of modernism for greater intellectual communication with the European cultural-estetic atmosphere of that time.


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