
Pitanje ilirske komponente stanovništva jugoistočnog dela Donje Panonije u savremenim istraživanjima

Milena Milin
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Classics Department

Published 01.12.2002


  • Illyrians,
  • Lower Pannonia,
  • archaeological research,
  • Illyrian tribes in Roman times,
  • Roman Empire

How to Cite

Milin, M. (2002). Pitanje ilirske komponente stanovništva jugoistočnog dela Donje Panonije u savremenim istraživanjima. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXXII-XXXIII), 49–60.


Following the Symposium on distribution of the Illyrians (4th to 2nd centuries B.C., Sarajevo, 1964), the view that the northern border of the Illyrians ran along the line even much southerner than the Sava (nn. 2-8) has been firmly established in our archeology; this attitude has been extended to the Illyrian tribes in Roman times (n. 7). At the same time, historians of the pre-Roman and Roman periods in the Balkans still hold the view of predominantly Illyrian origin of the tribes from Lower Pannonia, between the Danube and the lower course of the Sava river (n. 9), based on contemporary historiographic, epigraphic and linguistic evidence.


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