No. XXII (1991)

Ћупријска нахија – Ресава у време Иванковачке битке 1805. године

Vladimir Stojančević
Institute for History, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Published 01.12.1991


  • Balkans,
  • Serbia,
  • Ćuprija nahiyah,
  • Ottoman Empire,
  • Resava

How to Cite

Stojančević, V. (1991). Ћупријска нахија – Ресава у време Иванковачке битке 1805. године. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXII), 102–109. Retrieved from


The resistance to Turkish authority in the district of Cuprija, called Resava, manifested itself as early as the first days of the 1804 Uprising. The names of the men who instantly rose against the Turks and were leaders of the fight for liberation are known. A considerable number of other prominent men of the people and of others who joined the 1804 uprising and distinguished themselves in the decisive battle of 1805 at Ivankovac are discnbed in this paper. The significance of the Ivankovac battle surpassed the local importance of the popular uprising in Resava and represented not only a political breaking off of Serbs from Turkish authority but also a kind of declaration of war to the Porte, or, rather, to the Ottoman Empire.


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