Published 01.12.1990
- Balkans,
- Danube Basin,
- Pelagonia,
- Serbia,
- Romania
- Eneolithic ...More
How to Cite
Tasić, N. (1990). Везе Подунавља и Пелагоније у енеолитском периоду. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XXI), 139–148. Retrieved from
Copyright (c) 1990 Balcanica

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The mutual connexion between the Danube Basin and the souther parts all the way to Pelagonia and the Aegean coast, have not always been the same in Prehistoric times. Sometimes they were stable, when cultures were composed of one cultural complex; sometimes they were severed, only to reestablish unity in style and culture in the Eneolithic period. This was particularly manifest when the "Eastern Balkan graphitized ceramics" flourished in the age of the Bubanj-Salcuta-Krivodol culture on the one hand, and the Gumelnica-Kodza-dermen and Dikili Tash on the other. The topic of this paper exhibits interest only n the relations between the Bubanj-Salcuta group in the Danube Basin, Eastern Serbia, in Kosovo and Metohia, and the Pelagonian Eneolithic settlements.Metrics
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