No. XX (1989)

Неколико момената из историје закључења Једренског уговора о миру 1829. године

Petar Milosavljević
Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Published 01.12.1989


  • Peace of Edirne of 1829,
  • Ottoman Empire,
  • Russian Empire,
  • diplomacy,
  • Western Europe

How to Cite

Milosavljević, P. (1989). Неколико момената из историје закључења Једренског уговора о миру 1829. године. Balcanica - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies, (XX), 283–296. Retrieved from


In this paper the author treated events which preceded signing of Edirne Peace Treaty of 1829. The emphesis was put on the project of the peace treaty between Russia and Turkey, handed to the Great Vezir in May of 1829 and on the instructions given by the cabinet in Petersburg to general Dabic, commander of the Second Russian Army on Danube, about negotiation directions with the representatives of the Porte. The paper followed the evolution of Porte's stands on offered suggestions about peace-making and its efforts to secure friendliness and intermediary role of West European countries. England and France and later Prussia, in her future negotiations with Russia. Finally, the author explained reasons because of which Russia, after successful wars in Rumeli and at the entries to Constantinople, stopped further war operations and hurried to make peace treaty with Turkey.


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